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Now, getting on to the beef, whether or not you should organize your fleet into smaller groups is a no brainer. It gives you tons of flexibility that up until recently wow gold (for some strange reason) has only been dreamed about in eve.

A group or squad as I will refer to them here on out should be organized with one commander and however members you feel is appropriate. The point of having squads initially at all is really mostly for training anyhow.

So when organizing regular day to day squads a commander should have a choice of the players that are on when he is on. And also should be responsible for helping train other players who wish to specialize in whatever he’s specialized in.

Covert ops frig warfare, EW, etc. A commander should be experienced in real life more than character wise. The best people to let command should not be strangers to battles, and should be trust able.

Allowing that new member to your crop to lead a squad is a bad idea, even if he does have 50mil skill points. If at all possible use commanding as a reward to those players that are loyal and trustworthy. Players who stay online all the time are pretty good choices too.

Home » Site News » The point of having squads initially at...

Now, getting on to the beef, whether or not you should organize your fleet into smaller groups is a no brainer. It gives you tons of flexibility that up until recently wow gold (for some strange reason) has only been dreamed about in eve.

A group or squad as I will refer to them here on out should be organized with one commander and however members you feel is appropriate. The point of having squads initially at all is really mostly for training anyhow.

So when organizing regular day to day squads a commander should have a choice of the players that are on when he is on. And also should be responsible for helping train other players who wish to specialize in whatever he’s specialized in.

Covert ops frig warfare, EW, etc. A commander should be experienced in real life more than character wise. The best people to let command should not be strangers to battles, and should be trust able.

Allowing that new member to your crop to lead a squad is a bad idea, even if he does have 50mil skill points. If at all possible use commanding as a reward to those players that are loyal and trustworthy. Players who stay online all the time are pretty good choices too.

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