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Warrior/Knight/Paladin build based on my experience. Okay I’ve seen a bunch of threads popping up with knight builds all of the sudden so to answer everyone's RuneScape Gold question I will just share some of my XP of playing from warrior to paladin. Okay...let’s start with warrior skills

For purpose of final build sword mastery should be added last since points are better allocated to the small array of skills knights would be using

Warrior: For the purpose of going Warrior > knight level 1-30 hammer spamming is perfectly acceptable (before artist stage) so aim for maxing hammer and keep the skill reset scroll, personally I prefer hammer crush and frost hammer since it is not as flashy and allows our team mates to still be able to see incoming boss attacks, also having mobs 20% slower makes you less prone to getting hit (stupid crabs).

After resetting do keep hammer crush at level 5 it’s still a good skill all the way. Also the prerequisite skill of sword dance is beautiful, 1 second stun instant cast instant hit (use this to continue your combo jumping from groups of mobs to another) an excellent pvp opener btw. Hammer crush also works for making mobs stand up for that broom jab as well as a mini-boss stunner.

I will also include credits to anyone who contribute useful information that can be included into this thread.

Home » Site News » I prefer hammer crush and frost hammer ...

Warrior/Knight/Paladin build based on my experience. Okay I’ve seen a bunch of threads popping up with knight builds all of the sudden so to answer everyone's RuneScape Gold question I will just share some of my XP of playing from warrior to paladin. Okay...let’s start with warrior skills

For purpose of final build sword mastery should be added last since points are better allocated to the small array of skills knights would be using

Warrior: For the purpose of going Warrior > knight level 1-30 hammer spamming is perfectly acceptable (before artist stage) so aim for maxing hammer and keep the skill reset scroll, personally I prefer hammer crush and frost hammer since it is not as flashy and allows our team mates to still be able to see incoming boss attacks, also having mobs 20% slower makes you less prone to getting hit (stupid crabs).

After resetting do keep hammer crush at level 5 it’s still a good skill all the way. Also the prerequisite skill of sword dance is beautiful, 1 second stun instant cast instant hit (use this to continue your combo jumping from groups of mobs to another) an excellent pvp opener btw. Hammer crush also works for making mobs stand up for that broom jab as well as a mini-boss stunner.

I will also include credits to anyone who contribute useful information that can be included into this thread.

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