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07/27/2011 - LOTRO Releases Info On "Echoes of the Dead"
LOTRO's Epic Story Continues with Volume III, Book 3: “Echoes of the Dead” -- At the conclusion of Volume III, Book 2: "Ride of the G.....
07/27/2011 - Shyla Starhearth
Shyla Starhearth: grand lady of the High Elves, foremost priestess of the Vigil, the voice of wisdom and compassion when the Guardians hold counc.....
06/13/2011 - Ragnarok Online : USRC 2011 Starts LiveStreamin...
USRC, the yearly PvP tournament hosted through Ragnarok Online, started today at 10:15am PST and will be live streamed directly from the Ragnarok.....
06/13/2011 - Rift : Explore the Droughtlands
The Rift team has added a new Zone Description over at their official website, this time taking a look at the Droughtlands. Head on over and r.....
06/13/2011 - Ask commanders to lead your troops and organize...
Gate camping everyday won’t get Eve Isk anyone any smarter. Having people go out into empire and kill enemies, or piloting enemy territory .....
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